Round 5: Track and cars

The @Racer‘s voted on the track, and The Wheel decided which car will be driven in each division.

Track: D SCRZ Rismo

Division 1: Cheetah ($650,000)
Division 2: Sultan ($12,000)
Division 3: Turismo R ($500,000 / Free with Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack)
Division 4: Huntley S ($195,000 / Free with Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack)

All details including dates, times, pitwatchers, etc. are in the official TEPCOTT Leaderboard: KIFFLOM!


Now it’s time again for all @Racer s to vote for the track that you’re driving on next Sunday!

STEP 1: Watch the video of the tracks, drive on them (using the SocialClub links provided) and then vote for your favourite track here: Voting closes on Wednesday, ca. 17:00 UTC

STEP 2: Wait until the winner is published on Thursday in Abe.Cede’s livestream.


Also to all you lurking @Pedestrian s: We have a couple of slots free in Division Fun, so if you feel the need for speed (or fun), tell @abecede that you want to join the league and become a true believer! Or if anyone of you Racers or Pedestrians knows of interested people, now is a great time to tell them about, so they can join the fun!